We've posted the video on YouTube as unlisted (meaning that you need the link to see it):
Part 1: http://youtu.be/zX-5krh8FxA
Part 2: http://youtu.be/sB5qbK7n9iA
Email howardcountystriders at gmail if you'd like the higher resolution version.
Our very own Carlos Renjifo (Captain of the Howard County Striders Racing Team) won the overall shindig. And his triumph over the obstacles is actually shown throughout this video, which also includes a finishing stretch-down with his brother Jorge. :oD

Kent's idea: Who's planning the Howard County Striders' subUrbanAthalon?
Great job, Carlos and Jorge! Thanks again, Jason!
Happy Holidays, everyone -- see you next year! ^_^
Awesome job! That looks like a lot of fun too.